Always Check the Club Calendar for updates and closures
Archery Practice
1. Monday: 1st and 3rd Monday night 6pm-8pm year round (closed if too hot)
2. Saturday: 2nd and 4th Saturday 10am-12pm Year Round
Handgun Practice
1. Tuesday: every Tuesday 11am-1pm year round.
Handgun Practice
1. Wednesday: every Wednesday 6pm to 8pm year round (closed if too hot)
22 Rifle or long distance handgun Practice
1. Friday: 1st and 3rd Friday 6pm-8pm year round (closed if too hot)
Grab your bow or bring a favorite firearm (or two) and plenty of ammo. Heck, bring your neighbor!
Whether you're a beginner or an expert, come join us and have fun.
Range Safety Officer on duty at all times!
Targets are always provided at the Club.
Reminder: No magnum loads, black powder, air guns, or crossbows can be used at our range!
See you there!