Membership Cards/Lists can take 60 days to be generated. All Membership Cards are picked up in the Club Classroom.
Lifetime Membership
Range Safety Rules
1. Treat all firearms as though they are loaded at all times. 2. Never point a firearm at anything you are not willing to destroy. 3. All firearms are to remain unloaded and cased unless the shooter is on the firing line. 4. All loading and unloading of firearms will take place on the firing line. 5. Shooters on the firing line shall not break 180 degrees with the muzzle of their firearm. (Under no circumstances will the muzzle point up-range). Shooters shall not point their weapons over the top of the bullet trap. 6. Shooters must follow the commands of the Range Officer at all times. 7. Consumption of alcohol or intoxicants immediately before or during range use is strictly forbidden. 8. Eye and Ear protection are mandatory for all persons in the range when a competition is underway. 9. A Parent or Guardian must accompany minor shooters at all times. I CERTIFY THAT I AM NOT NOW OR EVER HAVE BEEN A MEMBER OF ANY ORGANIZATION WHICH HAS AS A PART OF IT’S PROGRAM OR OBJECTIVE THE ATTEMPT TO OVER-THROW THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES BY FORCE OR VIOLENCE. I HAVE NEVER BEEN CONVICTED OF A FELONY OR CRIME OF VIOLENCE AND IF GRANTED MEMBERSHIP I WILL FULFILL THE OBLIGATION OF GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP, AND UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE SECOND AMENDMENT THERETO. ANY MEMBER WHO VIOLATES THE ABOVE CERTIFICATION OR ABOVE STATED RULES WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY EXPELLED FROM THE CLUB.
FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of permitting THE UNDERSIGNED to enter the CHICO ROD & GUN CLUB premises, for the purposes of firearms use, shooting firearms, observing the shooting of firearms, or any and all other purposes, THE UNDERSIGNED, for herself, himself, her/his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. 1. Hereby voluntarily releases discharges, waives and relinquishes any and all actions for the personal injury, property damage or wrongful death occurring to the UNDERSIGNED arising as a result of engaging in or being present at the activities at the CHICO ROD & GUN CLUB premises. 2. Hereby covenants not to sue and voluntarily releases, waives, discharges and relinquishes any action or causes of action, aforesaid, which may hereafter arise for herself/himself and for her/his estate, and agrees that under no circumstances will she/he or her/his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns prosecute or present any claim for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death against CHICO ROD & GUN CLUB, or any of it’s officers, agents, servants or employees for any said causes of action, whether the same shall rise by negligence of any said persons or otherwise. IT IS THE INTENTION OF THE UNDERSIGNED BY THIS INSTRUMENT, TO EXEMPT AND RELIEVE CHICO ROD & GUN CLUB, OR ANY OF IT’S OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, OR EMPLOYEES, INCLUDING VOLUNTEERS, FROM ANY LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR WRONGFUL DEATH CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE. 3. Agrees that in the event of any claim for personal injury, property damage or wrongful death shall be prosecuted against CHICO ROD & GUN CLUB, the Undersigned shall indemnify and save harmless the same CHICO ROD & GUN CLUB and any of it’s officers, agents, servants, employees or volunteers from any and all claims or cause of action by whomever or whatever or wherever made or presented for personal injuries, property damage or wrongful death. 4. Agrees that the forgoing release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws applicable in the State of California and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. 5. Acknowledges that the UNDERSIGNED has been fully and completely advised of the potential for serious accident incidental to engaging in firearm activities, and expressly agrees to assume all risks of loss, injury and property damage, and expressly agrees to assume all risks of loss, damage or injury that may be sustained by the UNDERSIGNED. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPHS AND VOLUNTARILY SIGNS THIS AGREEMENT BEING FULLY AWARE OF THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES OF SIGNED THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT.